We are a Private Hearing Loss Group of Practitioners
We offer a FREE no obligation information service

Loss of hearing, however severe, can have a traumatic impact on the individual, as well as affecting close family.
As a group of private hearing Loss practitioners we are able to limited personal support that can help people overcome the sense of helplessness and isolation.
Whilst we are limited in the time we have available we do try our best to help anyone suffering from hearing loss with information on where to access the information or service that best suits their particular needs.
There are hundreds of volunteer advisers throughout the UK. Many of the members are hard of hearing themselves and will be pleased to tell you about local services for hard of hearing people.
Some areas of the UK have other regional organisations for deaf and hard of hearing people such as clubs and groups for deaf and hard of hearing people. They can tell you about local support services. Click here for More Information

Your local NHS hospital audiology department or social services can provide practical support. In some areas, hearing therapists work in audiology departments and can help an individual through rehabilitation and counselling.
Some social services have a deaf social worker or sensory support worker, and some can help by letting you have equipment on loan.
You can use request information about where to access these service or contact the NHS or Social Services in your Local Area.
All information is correct to the best of abilities. Hearing Concern is not responsible for any loss or grievance caused by factual inaccuracies in the information contained within our advice section.
If you are aware of any inaccuracies please contact by email and including the URL (web address) of the page you feel might be incorrect.